Swiss Maturité german exam preparation courses
The perfect preparation for the Swiss Maturité exams
We know that for many of our students, German can be a tricky subject to grasp, so a language coach will make all the difference in providing them with the tools, practice and support they need to successfully prepare for the Swiss Maturité exams in German. To give our students the skills they need to prepare for their exams, our program provides a variety of materials and practice tests to help them succeed. Examination techniques, self-confidence and communication skills are improved through real-life examination settings.
Swiss Maturité examinations
The Swiss Maturité exams cover a very broad curriculum and lead to exams at the end of secondary school. Matura graduates have a guaranteed place at Swiss universities and the diploma is recognized by higher education institutions in many countries. The Swiss Matura is the main key to admission to a HES, ETH or university. It is the equivalent of the cantonal Matura, which is taken in the cantonal gymnasiums. It provides the student with a vast amount of universal knowledge through its various disciplines. It helps them develop a critical and independent mind in both the humanities and the experimental sciences.